Merry Christmas Eve!
My favorite time of the year – full of so many memories and spending time with my family. This year’s Christmas Eve is a little different from past traditions. I usually attend Christmas Eve Mass with the whole family and then spend the evening at my parents house eating my mom’s homemade chili and lounging by the fire in our Christmas pajamas. This Christmas Eve, I will be serving dinner at the Jackson Drug – the joys of owning your own restaurant!
I would love to hear y’alls Christmas Eve traditions!

Now onto the matching Holiday sweaters!
Is it too much? I don’t think so! I was shopping online at American Eagle during Cyber Monday and was about to check out with this festive sweater in my cart and found the matching sweater for my dog Izzy! I couldn’t resist buying us matching sweaters. I’m wearing my usual size (a small) and Izzy’s wearing her normal size (a large).
Outfit Details: