January 9, 2018

Oversize Sweater + Cozy Scarf

Urban Outfitters Cream Sweater // Pink Scarf // Good American Denim //  Sorel Booties (on sale!)

Hello 2018! Cheers to my first blog post of 2018 and boy am I excited for what’s to come this year – personally and professionally. I took the past couple of weeks off from blogging to spend time with my family over the holidays and really reflect on the past year and what my goals are for 2018. In the past couple of weeks, I planned out what content I want to share and my vision for Wanderlust Out West for the upcoming year. I plan to do a lot more activities around Jackson, get more personal with you guys, and of course share WAY more outfit posts.

Now onto my first outfit post of 2018! It’s been a weird winter with a lot less snow than last year but thankfully it has started to snow today (but of course it stopped snowing when I went to take photos).

I cozied up in this Urban Outfitters cream sweater. The oversized sweater is cozy and flattering because of the exaggerated high/low hem. This is an easy long sweater that makes for an effortless outfit.  I paired the sweater with a soft scarf for a pop of color, my Good American denim, and my black Sorel booties. These are my favorite winter essentials I often wear to stay cozy and warm…and to not slip on the ice!

Shop My Outfit:



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